Recently, I have being watching WW2 documentaries on the History Channel and started to look back at my
1/72 scale tanks (which I regretfully admit I did neglect due to my diversion of attention to 12" figures).
German tanks are works of precise and complex engineering (most over engineered) which made them the most feared tanks in the battlefield, however it is precisely this that led to their downfall as they were not able produce more tanks as compared to the US and the Russians.
The most famous German tanks (in my opinion) will be the King Tiger, Tiger 1, Panther & Jagdpanther which I will be reviewing in this post.
King TigerThe King Tiger is actually the informal name given by the allied soldiers. An official German designation was Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. B ,[notes 1] often shortened to Tiger B,[6] with the ordnance inventory designation Sd.Kfz. 182.
The design is the same as the Tiger I, but was intended to be even more formidable. The King Tiger combined the thick armor of the Tiger I with sloped armor as used on the Panther medium tank.
German King Tiger, Normandy by Forces of Valour The King Tiger I have is from Forces of Valour. The only thing I do not like about Forces of Valour tanks is that they tend to go overboard on their weathering. However this does not happen here. The weathering is just nice.
The details on the tank are great and I love the Zimmerit Coating.
I always like Forces of Valour tanks because of their high metal content which make them heavy when carried. The fact that they always add a figure (usually a tank commander) is an added plus.

TigerThe Tiger I was produced from late 1942 as an answer to the unexpectedly formidable Soviet armour encountered in the initial months of Operation Barbarossa. The Tiger I design gave the Wehrmacht its first tank mounting the 88 mm gun.
Sd.Kfz. 181 Ausf. HI Tiger I "Late Production" SSS-PzAbt 505, May 1944 with Zimmerit Coating by DragonI generally like tanks produced by Dragon due to its good detailing and painting. It does not differ here as the details and painting is great. The detail of the Zimmerit is also well done.
Dragon armor has a mix of diecast metal and plastic, but is still very light when carried. Generally speaking, the metal content for Dragon has been decreasing, with some tank models appearing to be almost 100% plastic.

PantherThe Panther served from mid-1943 to the end of the European war in 1945. The Panther's excellent combination of firepower, mobility, and protection served as a benchmark for other nations' late war and immediate post-war tank designs, and it is frequently regarded as one of the best tank designs of World War II
Panther G "#135", Early Production, Normandy 1944 w/Zimmerit
Panther Ausf. FJust like tanks produced by Dragon, this Panther has good details, sculpting and painting and feels light when carried due to a higher plastic to metal ratio.

Panther Ausf.F by DragonAnother version of the Panther.
I like the camouflage on this tank.

JagdpantherThe Jagdpanther was a Nazi tank destroyer during World War II based on the chassis of the Panther tank. It entered service late in the war (1944) and saw service on the Eastern and Western fronts
Sd. Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther Late production, Panzer-Lehr-Division, Spring 1945 by DragonI love the overall design and shape of the Jagdpanther and Dragon does not disappoint with this one. With great detailing and painting, this is one of my favourite tanks. I especially like the colour on this tank.