Continuing with my coverage of STGCC 2012...even though it has ended two days ago.
Anyway this time round, some of our favourite toy stores made an extra effort to spice up their booths. Notably The Falcon's Hanger and U-Toy had excellent displays showcasing some very nice figures! Great job!
It does help persuade us to buy buy buy...LOL
The Falcon's Hanger

Tom Cruise in Top Gun

Chow Yun Fat in a Better Tomorrow

Boxing Gear for your 12" figures!

Gladiators. Inspired by the Spartacus drama series

Dragon's version of Men In Black
For this price range, it is a good buy as compared to Enterbay.

Thunder Cats.
Don't follow this but very nice display!

U-Toys also had nice displays but mostly military & Transformers.

They had a section for vintage toys.
Recently I am into vintage toys hence when I saw this I was pretty excited.
CY-Kill from Gobots. I so want this!!!

Super Powers vintage figures.
Nice in their packaging

Vintage robots like Robot 28, Voltron, SDF-1, etc

Unfortunately not for sale.

Play Imaginative had a nice booth this year.
This year round, they had more stuff to display from soon to release figures, pre release figures for STGCC and even die cast 12" figures!

I am digging the Justice League Logo Trexi.
This time round, I am begining to dig some of the Trexi designs...must admit I am not a big fan of Trexi before...:P

evirob...I Like

That To-Fu Trexi looks super cool.
It is now in my collection...LOL

Looking forward to this series...

The Super Alloy Batman everyone is talking about!

A Super Alloy Iron Man to follow.
85% die-cast metal. Will be a very heavy figure...

As usual, you have the other toy shops (sorry if I missed out some of the shops that were there) trying to get us to part with our $$$$!!
I Love it!!!!

Look out for my final coverage post of STGCC 2012 as I bring you guys the Budding Artists at STGCC 2012!
Click to read Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention 2012 Part 1 which I covered the Hot Toys booth.
Nice coverage bro.
Hello, do you have an email where I could send you pics and info about this rare one of a kind Star Wars movie poster for sale? My email is h2kayno@gmail.com
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