Wow...another year has passed by and the Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention is here again. Or should I say was here as today was the last day of the convention.
Like last year, I thought I was not going to make it to the convention but in the end I managed to get my lazy ass to the convention.
Like what Benjamin Franklin said,"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail".
I forgot to prepare my camera and in the end, at the entrance I realised I only had 15 mins of battery life. Once the battery dies, I will only have my crappy Iphone 3GS camera.
At the entrance of the Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention 2011
As everyone should know, the cute mascot for STGCC 2011 was designed by none other than Alex from ToyHaven.
I also made a paper toy out of his design. Thank Goodness it turned out ok...phew.
The first thing that caught my eyes when I got in was the Hot Toys booth.
It was simply awesome!
This is the first time that Hot Toys has set up a booth in STGCC.
I just knew that my 15 mins of battery life will be used up here!
I love this wall.
At the booth, they were displaying up and coming figures plus figures that have already hit the stores.
I finally could see the actual figures and not rely on photos from the internet.
After seeing the figures, I am now rushing to pre-order more figures...LOL
Iron Monger...awesome! It will be mine.
Suit-Up Gantry with Iron Man Mark IV Limited Edition Collectible Set
Mark V
Good thing I pre-ordered him...
The original Joker!
One of the STGCC 20011 exclusives.
Wow...even bigger than the Tumbler!
Samurai Predator
Classic Predator. TICK!
Luke is looking good. Looking forward to Hot Toys Star Wars offering!
Indy...I am glad I pre-ordered u.
Got to get you. The shield is the winner!
Blue and tall. Avatar Jake Sully
Flynn with light cycle
Sweeney Todd
Captain Jack Sparrow
POTC - On Stranger Tides
Spiderman 3
The New Goblin
Sucker Punch - Baby Doll!
They have also set up a few dioramas!
The Dark Knight
IronMan 2
Batpod escape from The Dark Knight
Other Hot Toys stuff.
Also on display were customised Hot Toys Iron Man by various artists.
Ironmania by Satoshi Fumihara
The World of Golden Eggs
IronMan Diabolos by Yasushi Nirasawa
IronMan Classic Japanese & Space Titanium Color
by Yuji Nishimura
Assemble Man & Antique Man
Unfortunately I can't recall the artist who did this.
IronManGantz Edition by Hiroya Oku Gantz
Ninja by Youji Shinkawa
Kojima Productions
Affection Man & Love Machine by Franck
Hot Toys Japan
The Jaws of Death by Max Watanabe
Max Factory
Iron Machine & Iron Man To-Fu by Shinichiro Kitai
Cosplay will always be one of the highlights of STGCC.
Not really into it but I thought it was nice to take pictures of the photographers taking photos of the Cosplayers!
All attention on her!
It was at STGCC 2010 where I became a fan of designers toys and To-Fu Oyako by DevilRobots was what started me off.
Colorful sign
The man himself, Shin, signing autographs
New figures on display
Joe Ledbetter's Piggy Bank
Joe Ledbetter Chinese Zodiac Mini Figures
Mickey Mouse Vinyl Art Figures
In collaboration with Disney, Play Imaginative displayed over 30 customised Mickey Vinyl Art figures at STGCC 2011.
Quite cool I must say.
Tokidoki also had a booth and business looked good!
Always loved his art.
What is STGCC without the Artist Alley.
Artists from all over the world showcased their art and design.
Always love to roam along this alley.
Salute to all of them!
Andrew Bell! I just had to get his Sashimi Singapore version!
His painting was pretty cool.
ARTXCHANGE...They had some paintings that really caught my eye.
Imagine them hanging in your house.
All I can say...Super Cool!
I love this!
There was a Star Wars display brought to us by the community at Starwars.sg.
Very cool display and they even had some "easter eggs"
Great fun.
The Clone army getting ready for battle.
Who could resist such display of a huge army ready for battle.
Reminds me of my time in the army before we went out for exercise.
Some of the "esther eggs" I could find.
Did not managed to find all of them.
Popcorn Pop was also there selling movie poster.
I used to buy posters from them.
Posters from all the Batman Movies.
Finally, our usual suspects were there to dish out great deals so we would not have to go home empty handed!
You just had to end the day buying more toys...LOL
The ever helpful Desmond helping out at Invasion!
Kept saying he did not look handsome enough for the picture!
Come on...damn handsome right!!!
Spotted this!
Selling for $350!
Shop Shop Shop till your head drop!
There was a Grafitti Wall where you could just write or draw whatever you wanted!
I actually wanted to write Little Plastic Man was here with my FlatHeads logo...LOL
Yeah...my haul from the STGCC 2011.
It was enjoyable and a nice way to spend my Sunday.