If you think that this version will have a lot of re-used from the first version, think again!
Even though it seems that Hot Toys is milking the licence drive, you actually get a very new "figure" here.
The idea for the packaging is very cool. The outer slipcase of the box depicts and show the battle damaged chest-plate. When you remove the slipcase, the inner box picture reveals the exposed mechanics under the chest-plate. How cool is that! See the pictures (below) and you can fully understand my excitement and praise over the packaging.
Box sleeve showing Chest-Plate
Remove sleeve and you see the inner workings
of the suit!
As in all Hot Toys figures, the sculpting is simply amazing. At first glance, you expect the figure to be heavy but when it is actually in your hands it is pretty light. The ability in making plastic look like metal is an amazing achievement by Hot Toys!
With so many features on this figure, you will be spoilt for choice on how to display him. Firstly, there are 2 versions. The "not so damaged" version with a few scratches on the chest-plate and the "fully damaged" version where the chest-plate is crashed beyond recognition.
Removing the chest-place, you will see the exposed mechanics. The details are amazing and well sculpted.
On the tops of the shoulders, the plates are able to slide forward and rocket launchers will pop up. Another cool display pose!
At the back, there are fully deployable air flaps with built-in metal flaps to have the dynamic pose of flight.
The left forearms have working rockets while the right forearm comes with expandable wrist gauntlet as shield. At the hips, you will have the retractable countermeasure dispenser.
The calves can be opened to display the airbrake deployment system.
Working forearm rockets
Expandable wrist gauntlet as shield
Airbrake Deployment System
Countermeasure Dispenser
Besides what was said earlier, the figure comes with 7 hands, including 4 with light up repulsor palms, damaged helmet with removable mask (revealing Tony Stark), non-damaged Iron Man helmet with light-up eyes function and base.
I particularly like the damaged helmet with removable mask revealing the face of Tony Stark. They have chosen to sculpt Tony Stark in a more expressionless look (at least to me). I would have preferred a more angry or "fierce" look. But nevertheless , the sculpting and paint ops is first class.
Another cool thing about this figure is that it comes with an extra ungloved left hand. With this you are able to re-enact the scene where he takes the glove off when in battle with IRON MONGER…Come on! you must admit it is a very cool addition!
Overall a freaking awesome figure...oh why oh why did I miss out on Mark 1 and 2...
Cool Packaging!
Ready for Flight
Damaged Version
The Base
Light Up Time