Truth be told, I did not know that Hasbro released a San Diego Comic Con exclusive 12” Baroness from The Rise of Cobra movie.
So you can imagine my surprise when I saw it at the
Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention 2009! Hasbro was selling most of their San Diego Comic Con exclusive toys at the convention.
What actually caught my eye was the packaging. The Baroness comes in a very nice box which has a look and feel of black leather. At the front and back of the box you have the Cobra logo in shiny crimson red! How cool is that.
The box is packaged in another box made of cardboard. The front and back of the box has holes so that the Cobra logo can be seen. The front of the box is black while the back is white with a short description of the Baroness!
Since the packaging is so beautiful, this Baroness will stay Mint in Box. Good thing that the box can be opened like a book so you can still admire the Baroness in full plastic glory!
Description of the Baroness

Since I am not taking her out of her packaging, I will describe the sculpt as best I can.
We have all seen the horror of Hasbro's 12" figures from the movie but don't worry, this 12" Baroness is branded as an adult collectible so a certain standard is expected. Ok it is not at Hot Toys or Enterbay's level but so is the price. I think it stands well with the other 12" figures from other companies. If you look hard enough, you can see the resemblance of Sienna Miller, the actress who played the Baroness. The hair for the Baroness is 1 moulded piece and I think it works for this figure.
She comes with her leather trench coat and it looks pretty well done. It also fits her nicely.
The accessories for this figure are 2 metal "ray guns" which are sculpted very well, an assault gun and glasses.
At the San Diego Comic Con, she is going at US$29.90 but here she is priced at S$79.90 (you do the maths). The tragedy of living at the other end of the world in Sunny Singapore.
Overall, I love the packaging and the figure is not bad. Come on it is the Baroness! I had to have her!...LOL
Lovely packaging

The back of the box

The other box which holds the figure
Notice the leather look.

A public announcement from Little Plastic Man

Due to time constraint , this is a
recycled fight scene!